Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease

Health condition, the tooth root is surrounded by bone supporting the teeth and is responsible for the stability. The gums are pink outer layer of soft tissue covering the bone (hard tissue), which is the most likely in the oral cavity.
The main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque (plaque) produced regularly over the teeth and gums. Plaque that is not removed by daily cleaning becomes sediment rugged called tartar teeth. The bacteria that accumulate secrete toxins that initiate inflammation and destroying the gum tissues that support the teeth. Over time, plaque penetrates deep into and along the surface of the root, creates a "pocket" periodontal gums tooth, affects the connective tissue and can cause irreversible damage to the gums, the bone that supports the tooth and the tooth itself. If left untreated, the teeth lose their stability, and mobility increases to Lnsirtn.

For more information about periodontal disease treatment Kfar Saba Call now 09-7423435 or contact us through the website and we will be happy to assist you.

Types of diseases

Gum inflammation (Gingivitis)
This is a mild form of gum disease. G'ing'ibitis is a superficial infection of the soft gum tissue, without losing grip of the teeth. Inflammation caused by plaque. In this situation, the gums are red, swollen and bleeding. This is accompanied by symptoms of pain, of varying intensity. This form of gum disease is reversible with treatment by dental hygienist maintenance and domestic hygiene at a high level.
This is a common form of gum disease manifested by inflammation in the tissues that support the teeth, loss of bone support and is characterized by pockets of periodontal and gingival recession. Title tooth looks longer due to gingival recession following the loss of tooth supporting tissues. The disease occurs mainly in adults but look at any age, damage builds up and therefore its rate increases with age. Periodontal loss progress is not uniform. Sometimes it is slow and often appear in periods of rapid destruction. Lack of initial disease stage, treatment may result in worsening of the disease. At this stage, treatment is conservative periodontal therapy that role to prevent further progression of the disease.
This disease is a more serious form of gum disease periodontitis is characterized by mild symptoms plus causes tooth mobility, movement of the teeth out of position, and the opening of spaces between teeth. It is important to understand that losing teeth is part of the aging process, but is caused in most cases, gum disease is not treated. At this stage, the initial treatment is conservative periodontal therapy that role to prevent further progression of the disease. Sometimes also require surgical intervention.

Aggressive periodontitis (AGGRESSIVE PERIODONTITIS)
Periodontal disease in healthy people, usually appears in young people is characterized by rapid destruction and loss of bone supporting the teeth. Family genetic link to the disease. At this stage, the initial treatment is conservative periodontal therapy that role to prevent further progression of the disease and sometimes even require surgical intervention.

Receding gums (Rtzsih) is a common phenomenon characterized by the exposure of the surface of the root due to displacement of marginal gums towards the root and is most common in young people. The main reasons for the withdrawal of gums are brushing aggressive periodontal minutes, the accumulation of bacteria and inflammation, receding gums as part of the destructive process of disease serious gum and tooth prominent position of the jaw teeth request especially after orthodontic treatment.

Scientific research shows that:
The main factor for the development of gingivitis (Gingivitis) is a dental plaque.
80% to 90% of the population of US adolescents, and the percentage is higher than in other regions, there are signs of gingivitis and bleeding members.
One in three US adults suffer from gum disease.
More than 50% of the Prodigal teeth in adults over age 40 are result of gum disease.

Periodontal disease risk factors

Controllable risk factors:
  • Specific bacteria manage to multiply oxygen around the pocket door gums.
  • Smoking accelerates the progression of gum disease due to constriction of blood vessels, decrease the supply of oxygen and freezing the immune system.
  • Defective restorations (fillings, crowns) encourage the accumulation of bacterial plaque.
  • Systemic conditions that are controllable, such as diabetes. Diabetics are at increased risk of infectious disease and gum disease because of a decline in the body's immune response. The process is symbiotic. The Inflammation causes a decrease in shape body use insulin and thus worsening diabetic condition, other imbalances worsening diabetic condition causes inflammation of the gums.
  • Stress, psychological distress and difficulty coping. Stress mode decreases the body's ability to fight infections and gum disease.
  • Use of drugs that affect the state Hhniciim- have to inform the doctor about medications gums these drugs against hypertension, calcium channel blockers family, old school, antiepileptic drugs, oral contraceptives and antidepressants.
  • Dental erosion - grinding and teeth clenching factors exerting power over-the chewing apparatus and may accelerate the rate of destruction of the teeth and gums that support the teeth.

Risk factors that can not be controlled;
  • Genetics: Recent studies have shown that the influence of genetics on disease is 40% -80% of people who have the disease.
  • Systemic conditions that are not fully controllable, and their presence may result in the development of gum disease or alternatively accelerate existing periodontal disease such as osteoporosis.

Periodontal disease around the implants

Friaimflnt mucositis (PERI - IMPLANT MUCOSITIS)
Superficial infection of the gums surrounding the implant and does not involve bone loss. This inflammation is influenced by the amount of bacteria in the mouth and oral hygiene of the patient. The infection may be reversible condition who make sure the home and professional cleaning suitable, like the treatment of gingivitis around natural teeth (Gingivitis).

Friaimflntitis (PERI - IMPLANTITIS)
Severe inflammation in the gums surrounding the implant is accompanied by the loss of the jawbone and a reduction in the grip of the implant. Known risk factors include oral hygiene is not adequate, a history of severe gum disease, heavy smoking and uncontrolled diabetes. Handling this situation often requires surgical intervention recovery.

It is important to note that gum disease around the teeth can increase the risk of infection around the implant and therefore it is important to take care of them before installing implants. Following the increased risk of complications related to implants in patients with periodontal disease, it is recommended to carry out permanent monitoring of the tissues around the implants and treat if infection develops.

Surgical Periodontal Treatment

Analysis reduction and elimination pockets Friodontaliim
This treatment aims to surgically remove the soft tissue of the gum pocket of the ordinary. At the same time can improve the cleaning surface bacteria accumulated on it root and stone deposits. Reducing the gum pocket exception allows better control of hygiene and better prevention of mumps infection and disease.

Regenerative surgery
Treatment of restructuring grip tissue of the tooth root bone, cement, and periodontal fibers. This treatment is relatively innovative and uses external materials such as bone substitutes, membranes and proteins produced in laboratories and medical institutions accordingly.

Analysis around implants
Treatment of the disease around the implant is designed both to control pollution and restore lost bone tissue. According to the latest literature, a surgical treatment efficacy in some cases, as in some cases it is impossible to remove the implant.

Removal of excess gum surgery
The goal of treatment is the removal of excess gums to reveal the full crown of the tooth and gum performed the patients with extremely thick covering a tooth header. This analysis is important aesthetically and medically, because beyond the aesthetic appearance of the gums non thickened is difficult to removing plaque that enables the development of gingivitis.

Pre-surgery rehabilitation (extension header)
Another treatment that combines health and aesthetics is pre-surgery rehabilitation. This analysis includes moving the gum line position allows preparation of capped so that both do not harm health gums and allow keeping a high level of hygiene. Pre reconstructive surgery can be performed on a small number of teeth (1-3), or the entire jaw. Recovery from surgery depends on the type of surgery and the patient's personality.

Gum grafting
Gum grafting is a surgical procedure performed to improve darn gum structure after gingival recession (Rtzsih). This process connective tissue implanted on the exposed root surface and aim to restore the gums linked and stop the advance of the withdrawal. This is a delicate procedure that requires precision, skill and experience to get a satisfactory result.According to Dr. Evron generation periodontics specialist with extensive experience in this type treatments "gum transplant tissue is important in creating a stable and healthy gums around the tooth neck and also for the treatment of this role in improving the aesthetics of the smile particularly in the front teeth."
You can take the connective tissue from various sources:
Soft tissue that is taken from the patient himself - a procedure that involves taking tissue from another site in the mouth (usually from the palate) and implantation in the patient.
From Bank connective tissue formation "- tissue made of collagen and protein which helps the natural tissue to grow back.
Choosing the tissue is made at the discretion of the expert professional periodontal disease.

Parnumaa is a strip of thin soft tissue connecting the upper lip / footer gum (the most prominent is the center of an imaginary line of face, between the two central incisors) or connecting the tongue and gums in the lower jaw. In some situations it is necessary to perform the cutting of Parnumaa. This surgical procedure is called Frnktomi.
Possible situations to make Frnktomi:When Parnumaa connects to the gums in the area is too close to the front incisors and may result in the formation interval between them or receding gums,as Parnumaa interferes with suckling infants, as wellas linguistic bother Parnumaa tongue movement and speech.

Design aesthetic gum

Our mouth is one of the most important organs inside, which attract quite a bit of attention. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the aesthetics, and worry that he will be healthy and beautiful.One of the important things to worry about, is the design aesthetic gums. Although, apparently, the area is almost invisible as it is hidden by lips, but there are two things that require reference:
Even if you do not see the gums - it is important they be healthy.
There are situations where there is some gums - if it interferes, it can and should fix.

How do you do that?

Design aesthetic gum - Experts Clinic of Dr. Rachel Anner at your service

Experts Clinic of Dr. Rachel Anner specializes in aesthetic design of the gums, and provides medical and aesthetic treatments in any of the following situations:
  • Gummy smile (Gummy Smile) - Normal mode gums also hidden behind the lip while smiling. Some people, whose gums are exposed when they smile, and it really bothers them aesthetically. In this case - certainly could be correct.The amendment is made by lifting the gums and their redesign. At the end of the treatment the patient will be able to enjoy a beautiful smile more, which of course is very beneficial impact on confidence.
  • Bone resorption - there are situations in which the gums look not aesthetic because of the very close contact number of areas and caused decline of the surrounding soft tissues. In this case when the gums are exposed not smile aesthetic, which may cause damage confidence. In this case it is certainly possible to correct the situation, using bone grafts or bone material support provided by the gums missing.
  • Extra gums - Gums cover a situation where a few teeth and cause less aesthetic appearance of their smile when, it is possible to perform surgery to remove excess tissue that responds to the gums the proper appearance.
  • Receding gums - in the case of receding gums, whether as a result of aggressive brushing or as a result in the lower earring caught the lip and gums alike, carbonate aesthetic appearance of the gums do not like "fled" the tooth. In this case gum grafting is performed another taken from the patient's mouth, and, using a simple surgical operation performed under local within a few minutes, perform the gums aesthetic design that makes the difference.
  • Frnktomi - Our gums 'tied' to the upper lip through the leather strip called Parnumaa. In some people the connection is rather than being too low, causing the formation of a space between the teeth. In this case you can trim a Parnumaa, and care in the gap. Cutting is performed under local and only takes a few minutes.

Clinic of Dr. Anar Deals Dr. Omer Cohen and Dr. Dor Evron all treatments in the field of aesthetic design and gums, using the most advanced equipment and providing personal attention to the patient.For more information about the various treatments and to schedule an appointment, call 09-7423435 or contact contact us through the site, and we will get back to you with a smile.

Periodontal disease and methods of treatment

Periodontal diseases are a very common problem these days, when studies show that it is almost impossible to find people who do not have it as level or another. But when it comes to active disease, a chronic and progressive risk of injury to the teeth and their loss has increased, so have to handle the matter as soon as possible. Here we learn a little more about what is periodontal disease and how to treat it the most professional manner.

What is periodontal disease?
When the gum tissue is compromised as a result of injury or no trauma, but inflammatory processes, this is a gum disease that requires immediate treatment. Most of gum disease is caused by bacterial activity, causing a decrease in local pH, release toxins, activating the immune system and the development of the inflammatory process damages the tissue itself. Over time, the gums begin to lose the functioning and may form "pockets" Friodontliim expose the roots of the teeth into the air and increase the risk of worsening the inflammation, the appearance of terrible toothaches, jaw bone resorption resulting in tooth loss.
The disease can be characterized in several ways, and according to the level of violence and the progressive nature of the infection broke out. The easiest form of gum disease can be treated by dental hygienist in removing plaque, is Hg'ing'ibitis most common high population. Then, you can find the more violent forms of gum disease such as periodontitis moderate, progressive periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis. You can also find gum disease are independent sterile bacterial contaminant but specific structure of the teeth, gums minutes, brushing incorrect aggressive and more.

Of course all clinical manifestations of periodontal disease vary depending on the severity of the infection. When it comes to non-severe arthritis may hemorrhage during brushing or eating hard foods, swollen gums, sensitivity to heat and cold and pain. More serious infections can be seen receding gums causes the spaces between the teeth, the teeth look longer than usual, shifting teeth, the most severe pain and loss of teeth in the end.

How to treat gum disease?
First of all, make sure that all of the risk factors for worsening gum disease were removed - such as active diabetes, smoking, improper position of teeth and so on. After diagnosing the disease itself and the genre has to take care of plaques formed, and when it is more violent illness have access to surgical procedures in periodontal specialist. There are several types of surgery when each useful for different situations of periodontal diseases and their progress. Sometimes surgery may be enough to settle the pockets Friodontliim or short-surgical care around the implant, and sometimes will need surgery and rehabilitation aimed at restoring the gum through the regeneration of bone and periodontal fibers, gum grafting, and more. Consider that in the absence of treatment and the presence of active periodontal disease, the chances of premature tooth loss is significantly higher.

If you suffer from a performance of obsessive gum disease requiring immediate treatment, you have come to the right place. Clinic specialists under the direction of Dr. Rachel Anner find medical team leader in its field capable of handling gingivitis serious for the best. The clinic consists of a team of experts authorized by the Ministry of Health, engaged in surgery of the mouth and jaw, prosthodontics, periodontics, aesthetics of the face and more. Even the clinic's hygienist team has a unique professional training especially for you, with an emphasis on supporting all appropriate treatment of gum disease and healing of all kinds.

Periodontal Disease

What conditions are needed antibiotics before periodontal treatment?
There are two situations in which there is to take antibiotics before periodontal treatment:
Mode A: The patient suffers from cardiac heart valves and as instructed cardiologist him to take a one-time dose of antibiotics before treatment to prevent infected heart valves.
Mode B: acute inflammation of the gums that requires antibiotic treatment before or during conservative periodontal therapy.

Does periodontal treatment periodontal surgery mean?
There is a widespread view that the treatment of gum disease is a periodontal surgery, but in fact the initial treatment of periodontal disease treatment is conservative (Hktzaot roots) which prevents most cases the progression of the disease. Only when the disease is not possible to stabilize violence should be considered surgery or periodontal gum disease or stabilized and can improve the supporting tissues by regenerative periodontal surgery.

Why Maintenance Treatment Important?
Maintenance therapy is the most important treatment for gum disease. Although adherence to daily cleaning of teeth and gums, gum tissue is exposed to any changes in the fair delicate balance between bacteria and mouth disease protection systems, and therefore there will always be bacteria and tartar that can cause damage to the gums and tissues repeated support.

What are the relationships between my dentist and periodontics?
Dentist and Periodontist work together as a team to give you the best care and most appropriate. The dentist performs the conservation treatments and teeth that restores related morbidity and Periodontology deals with all issues related morbidity gums. Your meetings for the purpose of maintenance therapy does not replace the annual audit dentist.

Why is important to guard your home clean gums?
The success of treatment of gum disease requires cooperation from the patient regarding home maintenance because patients diagnosed with periodontal disease are more susceptible to oral bacteria than patients who have periodontal disease.

Is gum disease is hereditary?
Recent studies support the theory that advanced gum disease is a familial tendency. That is, if one family member diagnosed with periodontal disease, other family members are at high risk for this disease as well.

What is the relationship between periodontal disease and dental implants?
Periodontal disease is characterized by progressive loss of the jaw bone that holds the tooth roots. This loss requires a more extensive procedure (augmentation) to install dental implants.Also Untreated gum disease can cause destruction of the bone around dental implants nearby so the gum disease should be treated prior to the installation of implants.

Why is it important that periodontal therapy Periodontics clinic is scheduled?
Clinic Periodontal treatment is performed by a dental hygienist certified by the Ministry of Health who has specialized training in the treatment of the patients with periodontal disease. Hygienist tracks and monitors the gum disease while updating physician trainees. Maintenance periodontal includes updated health history and dental, tissue testing and scaling and plaque dental work on sub-gingival .many studies have shown that maintenance treatment every 3 months in the patients with a history of gum disease, found beneficial in maintaining healthy gums over time.

Is gum disease can be cured for life?
No, gum disease is a tendency when she has periods of calm and periods of activity. Outbreak of the disease is painless so constant monitoring is necessary for life periodontics clinic to prevent further irreparable harm.

Does periodontal treatment is needed before making dental implants?
Heal who were diagnosed with active periodontal disease have the greatest importance in performing periodontal therapy before installing the implants used to settle the inflammation and bacteria in dental plaque.

Is around the implants can be gum disease?
Yes, sometimes can be gum disease around the implants. For reasons that are unclear, we encounter cases where the bone around the implant is absorbed Similar to what is happening around dental gum disease.

Bone reconstruction by augmentation

When bone resorption occurs after tooth loss due to gum disease, tooth extraction or trauma in the face, the situation makes it difficult for installing implants. The key to the success of dental implants is the amount and quality of bone into which the implant is installed. Therefore, in order to prevent or correct this situation can be construction or reconstruction of bone ridge by augmentation.

Augmentation is the process of building a three-dimensional object by a bone graft, in order to allow the installation of implants.It is important to know that implants maintain jawbone equally as natural teeth. When no teeth bone is absorbed more rapidly.Execution procedures involving the implantation of bone, required training, experience and skill. doctors working at the clinic have appropriate training, skills and many years of experience in performing these Frotzdrot.

Cases requiring augmentation
  • Augmentation prophylactic my hands on displacement - after tooth extraction there is a natural process of absorption of the jawbone. In order to prevent the withdrawal of bone and preserve the existing bone graft for installing future augmentation should be performed at the time of tooth extraction. The implants will be installed a few months later.
  • Augmentation "late" - if not immediately become augmentation on displacement resulting duty was absorbed bone augmentation will make "late" means bone grafting a few weeks or months after displacement. There is augmentation Tarlow (thickness), and vertically (height) or integrated. There are cases where immediate implants can be installed during construction of the bone ridge, or have to wait long recovery period ends 4-6 months.
  • Augmentation by lifting the sinus floor Hmksilri - in cases of tooth loss in the rear of the upper jaw in an accelerated process of bone resorption. In addition there is a space in the upper jaw in the posterior part and called the sinus Hmksilri. In the past there was difficulty installing implants in the back of the upper jaw. today you can make placing implants in these areas by the augmentation of the sinus floor. This procedure is performed by opening a window into the sinus through to make the bone reconstruction and recovery period new bone absorption takes nine months. Usually performed during the installation of the implants Sinus Lift with few exceptions. Sinus lift procedure is done with local anesthesia and does not demand hospitalization. It allows for placing implants in areas hitherto consideredproblematicwith excellent results over time.
  • Augmentation using bone block - trauma in the face or significant bone resorption three-dimensional due to gum disease causes an aesthetic problem keys on installing implants.Augmentation using bone block allows reconstruction of the jaw bone, corrects distortion and facilitates the installation of dental implants ideal location . The main building of the transverse dimension would object if necessary, although the vertical dimension. Implantation process is performed in two steps:taking a mere block from the rear area of the lower jaw and fixation screws in the treatment and waiting a half years Lhhikltot bone.After a waiting period of six months, the implant installation is carried out.

Nine facts about fungi

  • Fungi are appearing superficial wounds ulcerated oral mucosa and gums causes pain and in severe cases, difficulty eating and speaking, and a lower quality of life.
  • Approximately 50% of the population suffer upto at least once in a lifetime and for many the phenomenon is repeated from time to time. Anyone can stand upto regardless of age, sex or ethnic origin whatsoever.
  • Sufferers can be from one to five fungi simultaneously.
  • The cause ulcers mechanism is unknown, although it is believed that the inflammatory process resulting from impaired local immune system and the viruses or bacteria in the mouth or alternatively hereditary factors. If this is important to say that there is a clear link between a person's immune system and its tendency to develop fungi. For example, a lack of white blood cells and neutrophils causes the appearance of fungi in the mouth.
  • Officials suspected of accelerating the emergence of fungi are: stress, tension and trauma, hormonal changes, an unbalanced diet, food allergies, deficiencies in vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.
  • The disease is usually expressed in a single elliptical ulcers covered with a yellowish-white, surrounded by a red halo inflammatory on the tongue, gums, palate, cheek lining, floor of the mouth and lips. In the absence of protection of mucosal lesions may dress like a virus contaminating bacteria and fungi.
  • The diameter of the lesions usually ranges from few mm to several centimeters.
  • Foods that may increase it: pickles, spicy foods and spicy and acidic fruits such as citrus fruit.
  • Shafto disappear on their own within a week to ten days without the use of any drug.

Root Planing

Testing and Diagnosis

Testing and Diagnosis gums are the first steps in the therapeutic process. Periodontics can say with certainty based on clinical examination and X-rays by periodontal disease is there, at what stage and what methods of treatment.

Initial periodontal preparation (Hktzaot roots)

Patients diagnosed with active periodontal disease by Periodontology.

The goal of treatment:
Stop supporting progress root tissue destruction.

The course of treatment:
This is the primary treatment for gum disease. Mainly mechanical treatment and is performed under local anesthesia. During the operation, clean the root surface and the inside "pocket" gum disposal sites tartar, bacteria and inflamed tissue accumulated some Bo.bmkrim combine antibiotic therapy during planing.
While the patient undergoes training planing oral hygiene (brushing teeth and gums), tailored to his needs.

Achievement treatment:
Treatment achievement manifested by inflamed tissue healing around the root and decrease swelling and redness bleeding gums.
It should be noted that the success of the whole treatment depends on the patient very carefully carrying out the instructions and cleaning teeth. Once a month, a re-evaluation, which means another test for evaluating the results of initial treatment and continued treatment determined mouth.
Periodontal surgery

Patients who underwent periodontal treatment of type Hktzaot roots and yet their periodontal disease did not stop.

The goal of treatment:
Inhibiting progression of gum disease and tooth loss prevention.
Gum surgery allows access and reduction of "pockets" campers deep that it was impossible to reach them during planing.
During surgery, the gums will be separated from the teeth to expose the roots and jawbone and eliminate the bacteria, tartar and diseased tissues. At the end of treatment, the gums will be returned in place by sewing. There is a possibility of additional bone substitutes and membranes to stimulate repair and healing, only in appropriate cases it (see regenerative periodontal surgery).

Achievement treatment:
Stopping inflammation in "deep" approach especially when we keep "is not possible. Reducing the gum pockets allows better control over the nature of the bacteria population survivor pockets and preventing re-establishment of microbial populations violent.

Regenerative periodontal surgery

Target Audience:
Patients with advanced periodontal disease whose course of illness was stopped but there is bone loss which can be repaired.

The goal of treatment:
Restore the grip of the root system which harmed as a result of gum disease.

The course of treatment:
Doctor restores a missing grip by the addition of bone substitutes, proteins and membranes.

Bone substitutes
Existing bone substitutes are: synthetic bone replacement, bone replacement from fat, or you can take self-bone from the patient. All bone substitutes eventually undergo a process of absorption and bone building the patient's self.
Proteins (Emdogain)
Emdogain is a substance, which restores a biological grip the tooth, loosening resulting gum inflammation. Important element in EMDOGAIN is Amelogenin protein, this protein that the body itself produces naturally. This protein plays an important role in creating teeth and support mechanism which, however, is created solely by stages of development have changed.

How does the Emdogain? Grip mechanism of natural tooth consists of cement covering the root of the tooth, jawbone and bundles of tiny fibers that connect one side to cement the root and on the other hand to the jaw bone.
The membrane is a barrier between the replacement bone tissue.Role protect bone substitute and allow growth and building new bone around the tooth.The membrane is usually made of synthetic material or collagen. Collagen membrane is absorbed after 6-8 weeks as opposed to synthetic membrane which requires its removal after a few months.

Achievement treatment:
To evaluate the results after several months of treatment with X-ray evidence of a clinical trial.

Periodontal maintenance

Patients with periodontal disease.
Patients at high risk of gum disease.

The goal of treatment:
  • Reducing the probability of gum disease recurrence in the patients treated in the past due gingivitis or periodontitis.
  • Reducing the risk of tooth loss.
  • Increasing the probability of early detection of other diseases or lesions in the mouth and treated accordingly.

The course of treatment:
Treatment is performed by a dental hygienist certified by the Ministry of Health who has specialized training in the treatment of the patients with periodontal disease. Hygienist tracks and monitors the gum disease while updating physician trainees.Maintenance periodontal includes updated health history and dental, tissue testing and scaling and plaque dental work on sub gum.Studies many suggest that maintenance therapy every 3 months in the patients with a history of gum disease, found beneficial in maintaining healthy gums over time.

Achievement treatment:
Success will result in preventing the recurrence of gum disease and tooth loss prevention progress.

For more information contact us at the number 09-7423435 or through the website and we will be happy to assist you.
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